Ever get so busy that you run out of time for you? There are times in life when everything seems to be happening at once and you have to be everywhere at once. When this happens how do you make sure that you stay healthy? The concept is simple but the execution takes discipline and adjusting your priorities.
One of the easiest times to be sure you get in a little time for you is by developing morning and evening routines. Get up an hour before your day usually kicks into high gear. You can use this time to stretch, go for a run or take the time to make sure you have good meals ready for the rest of the day. If you’re not a morning person try taking time after dinner to plan your meals for the next day, go for a walk or meditate. These are things that can be helpful if you do them sometimes but as with most things the more consistent you can be the better. Do your best to get up and go to bed and eat at the same time of day.
Morning and evening are obviously not the only time of day and there are things we can do in the middle of the day too. Take small walks around the office. If you sit at a computer for most of the day, stand up and stretch on a regular basis. Whatever you do during the day be sure to take breaks and drink a lot of water.
It can be so easy when we get busy to cut out any time for yourself. It seems like the least important thing and is often the first to get cut. We can function like this for a while, and some longer then others but if we don’t prioritize our own well being sooner or later we all crash. Once we hit that point it is hard to recover from because we haven’t been taking care of ourselves. Though it may not always feel appropriate in the moment, to get the most done and to keep ourselves going for as long as possible we need to take time for ourselves.
Sometimes days off need to be scheduled weeks or months in advance. Instead of waiting until you’re tired or worn out to think about a vacation, look at your schedule right now. What are you doing in 3 weeks? Do you have an open day in 4 weeks? Block it off right now as time that is just for you. This includes things like getting a massage, acupuncture, going to the gym, taking a walk and meditating. It is more then relaxation, it is a way to recharge.
Does this sound like something you need? Schedule an appointment today.